Gynecology relates to the diagnosis as well as treatment of the female reproductive system, consisting of the vagina, uterus, and ovaries. Indian gynecology clinics and hospitals meet international standards, leading to the best outcomes.
Gynecological problems might involve dysfunction of the reproductive system including gonadal disorders that are treated by specialized hormone modulation. Various treatments are offered to women who have problems with ovulation. Your doctor might suggest surgery if it is the best way forward.
Stress is a cause for many gynae problems – we will arrange for wellness therapies to reduce stress facilitating normal functioning of the female reproductive organs.

Dilation and Curettage
In this process, the surgeon removes the lining or tissue of the uterus. Reasons for this procedure could be partial miscarriage, diagnosis of unnatural bleeding of the uterus or some other uterine disorders.
This is a precautionary surgery done to remove ovaries if they become dysfunctional. Their presence in the body might become harmful, so doctors advise to remove them.
Tubal Ligation
In this process, the fallopian tubes are removed forever or blocked surgically for sterilization purposes. Sperms cannot enter the uterus and fertilize eggs. If you are looking for a permanent method for birth control, you can opt for this treatment as it has a good success rate.

The colposcopy procedure is used to view the vagina and cervix. This test is done if the doctor finds any abnormality during the pelvic exam or pap smear test. Colposcopy is used for diagnosis and treatment related to polyps, heavy bleeding, genital warts, etc. indicating DES exposure and HPV infection.
Hysterectomy is performed for removal of the uterus, ovaries, cervix and fallopian tubes. You should know that once hysterectomy is done, then childbirth is not possible, due to the absence of the uterus. The impact of hysterectomy might take time to show. So surgeons usually suggest this as a last case scenario. Sometimes, surgery is suggested in cases of endometriosis, development of fibroids in the uterus and excessive bleeding.
Endometrial Ablation
If you are experiencing heavy menstrual flow, then our doctor might suggest this procedure. It is not exactly a surgery, but the physician will remove the uterine layer using certain tools. Endometrial ablation takes only one day, and is usually performed as an outpatient procedure. You should go for this procedure only if you do not plan for pregnancy ever.
Hysteroscopy is a diagnostic and investigative procedure carried out with an endoscopic device. The doctor will insert a thin tube with fiber-optic camera attached into the vagina through the cervix. Intrauterine pathology study is done. If the study results indicate surgery, then you might have to go for surgery. Hysteroscopy can be operative or diagnostic to provide a solution for a bleeding vagina.