
Ophthalmology is the medical specialty which deals with diagnosis, treatment and remedy of eye disorders. Any disease which affects the eyes in any way falls under the field of ophthalmology, which covers both medication and surgical intervention. Glaucoma, cataracts, retinal diseases are some eye defects that are treated in South Africa with the best outcomes.


If your vision becomes hazy, and you are over a certain age, then it is possible that you require cataract surgery. With age, the lens of the eyes gets cloudy and optical or contact lenses do not work anymore. An eye surgeon performs cataract surgery which involves replacing the natural lens of the eye with an artificial lens.

Phacoemulsification with Intraocular lens implantation: In this process, the nucleus of cataract and cortex lens fibers are eliminated. The newly introduced artificial lens is inserted into the epithelial capsule, and helps the vitreous humor maintain the right distance between the anterior chamber of the eye.

Cornea Transplant

To repair diseased or injured cornea, this procedure is done. It is also called corneal grafting and this transplant can be of two types: 

  • Lamellar keratoplasty: Surgeon replaces a part of the cornea
  • Penetrating keratoplasty: Surgeon replaces the whole cornea


This condition occurs when the optic nerve gets damaged. Glaucoma doesn’t have any symptoms of pain or discomfort as warning signs, so it is a little scary, as your vision might be lost. There are two ways to treat it – through medication or via surgery. You may be prescribed eye drops, but if your condition does not improve then surgery is the only way. It requires a special surgical procedure where the ocular structure is corrected by stabilization.

Lasik Laser Refraction

Feeling bogged down by the hassle of glasses and contact lenses? Then the Lasik Laser Surgery or Lasik eye surgery will help to modify the cornea and alter the focal point according to that required by you. This surgery is offered by eye clinics in South Africa and performed by talented surgeons.

Macular Degeneration Surgery

Macular degeneration surgical procedure may be advised to you if there is damage to the central portion of your eye’s retina. This might lead to losing your eyesight completely. Patients usually suffer from wet or dry macular degeneration. If you have been having problems with your eyesight, you must check your eyesight to know the exact cause and thus follow the correct treatment advised.

Retinal Detachment

When the retina is detached from the blood vessels layer which feeds it nutrients and oxygen, then your vision might become blurry, and you may see floating objects and slight shadows in your vision. This condition does not cause any pain, but your eye specialist in South Africa might recommend vitrectomy, pneumatic retinoplasty and scleral buckle surgery.